Thursday, February 24, 2011

Her name will be known...

Last Week at church Troy Faust came up to me and said that something made him turn and look at Tenley when I walked by. This is all he told me..."God said she is special, and I told God yeah we are all special, God said No! she is special. She is going to have a relationship with me that no one can explain, a love, a companionship, an intimate relationship with me. That her name will be known in Heaven and feared in Hell, that she will be the game changer. "
WOW!!!!! I told him that I knew she was going to be something special because my papaw told me she would be. Isn't God just wonderful!!!


mary.mimi said...

AWESOME...write it down, you dont want to forget one word...when GOD gives you a word like this(RHEMA), the enemy will try to convince you it is not so or try to steal it (make you forget)..STAND and speak this over Tenley everyday..that she is a game changer, known by GOD, feared by her enemies. That is a rhema word for you both. Bless her with it everyday. (hug)

Jennifer said...

What an encouraging word!