Sunday, December 19, 2010

first time meeting pops!

pops was a little busy with work getting everything set while he has his surgery so he didnt get to meet tenley until this weekend


Friday, December 17, 2010

christmas came early

my christmas present from my parents and grandma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i love it!!!!

the pictures i did for christmas were done on my other camera so i cant wait to take some with my new one.

Monday, December 13, 2010

my project

I love this new photo software i got on my computer, and will enjoy it even more so now that i got my christmas early this year...(Tenley and a new camera)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

December 3rd 2010

i have always said from the beginging how cool would it be to have a baby born on the 2nd of a month because jon is on the 1st cameron the 3rd and me the 4th. so when dec 2nd came along i knew i wasnt going to get my wish. i knew something was going on because i was an emotional wreck. it started with my wonderful dog running down the street in 20 something degree weather one morning on my way to work and me chasing it (which i was in tears when i got him back in the yard from the pain in my back) and the day just went down from there to whoever and whatever it was i was crying over it. i went to bed at about 10:30 ish and the last thought that went through my head was "i wonder if my water will break in my sleep like it did with Cameron" well about and hour later i don't think i had moved that fast in the whole pregnancy as i flew out of bed to the bathroom. i was in shock that it had happened again. i was alone with Cameron. Jon was working in south Texas so i called my mom to come get us. i had trouble getting a hold of Jon and started getting worried that he wasn't going to make it in time. once my water broke the contractions started they were about 8 min apart. we got to the hospital about an hour later and they were at 5 apart and i was not dilated at all. within 30 mins my contractions were right on top of each other and i was at a 1. it was about 2 am and the dr was called the OR team was getting prepped and my husband was not here. they gave me a shot to stop the contractions and hold off as long as possible to get Jon to hospital. it was almost 4 am and they were taking me back to OR. Jon got there about 4:10 got his scrubs on and in the room just in time for them to pull Tenley Reese out. she was 6lbs 13 oz and 19 1/4 in long.

Cameron just adores her. she is so lucky to have him as a big brother he is very helpful.

my surgery went well other then when they did the spinal they got air in my spine and its caused spinal headaches. i have had what feels like a migraine since Friday. the only way to get rid of it is have a blood patch where they take my blood and put in back in my spine through in epidural which i really don't want to do but i can depend on norco to get through the day either. so please pray that all goes well.

thanksgiving pt 2

had to just take these pictures of 3 different generations in the Neal family


camerons school had a special feast for all the parents, it was wonderful. cameron was an indian named lighting and his little girlfriend was lighting star lol. they are something else. here are some pictures that him and abigail took of each other.